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Visualizing architecture

The graph structure can be plotted with evaluable_architecture.visualize() (requires matplotlib - this is not installed as a dependency by default: please install pytestarch[visualization]), which plots the dependency graph. By default, the nodes are labeled with their module name. If a module name is long and/or a module has many submodules, the labels may crowd the plot. This can be addressed by specifying (short) aliases for the module names by using the keyword argument aliases. An alias will replace the module name in the label of the respective module and all its submodules unless the submodule also has an alias, in that case the submodule's alias takes priority.

Alias Examples:

Consider an architecture with modules long_root_name, long_root_name.submodule, long_root_name.submodule.sub_submodule, long_root_name.other_submodule then the resulting labels for a given aliases are:

aliases labels
{'long_root_name': 'r'} r, r.submodule, r.submodule.sub_submodule, r.other_submodule
{'long_root_name': 'r', 'long_root_name.submodule': 'sub'} r, sub, sub.sub_submodule, r.other_submodule